2023 August Character Camp

August 12, 2023

2023 August Character Camp

A awesome last week of Character Camp!


We had a good-sized group with about 50 kids and leaders from the Keller and Nespelem Boys and Girls Club! They played lots of games of volleyball, gaga ball, and basketball. My grandpa, Dennis DeLano, did an object lesson with cayenne pepper and paprika and how we know the difference between the two by the taste. That compares to how we know whether someone is walking with God, by how they act in accordance with scripture, and whether God is good by what He does and who He says He is. In the afternoon they made cloud dough and bread, they swam, and did tomahawks and knife throwing. Please continue to pray for open hearts to the gospel! I've been blessed to have some girls come up and want to hang out with me in the kitchen or just ask what I'm up to! We've had some good connections between our team and the kids which is really awesome!


We had around the same number of kids and did pretty much the same activities as Monday. The kids have been enjoying playing gaga ball and volleyball and so we haven't been doing many other structured games. For crafts they started making stained glass pictures! It was really fun to see the different designs the kids came up with!


On Wednesday, we had a smaller group of kids, and we had in total from both Nespelem and Keller only around 40 people. They made pretzels for the kitchen activity and finished up their stained glass pictures for arts and crafts. And since it was over 90 degrees out, they enjoyed playing down by the river and catching bull fish and crawdads.


Yesterday was the last day of our character camp! We had around 40 kids and leaders again. It was sad to have the last day and also be at the end of character camp season where we won't see kids until next April. We had lots of fun activities where the kids played outside with some organized games, gaga ball, volleyball, pony rides, pretzel-making, and various art activities. They sang enthusiastically and listened attentively to my dad's teaching. Fawn, one of the Nespelem leaders, braided quite a few of the girl's hair (they loved it!), and it gave a good chance for the girls to talk with her while they got their hair done.

If you want to see more pictures you can go to our FB page- August Character Camp FB Album     https://www.facebook.com/penielranch/

Written by Lauren Davies


"I have seen God face to face."
Genesis 32:30
experience peniel