2022 Year In Review- Family Camps

January 2, 2023

2022 Year In Review- Family Camps

This year we had five family camps and quite a few rental camps.

This year we had five family camps and quite a few rental camps. Our vision is to encourage and disciple families in the faith and equip them to share the Gospel with those around them. The rental retreats help fund the ministry and give us connections with other believers! 


Girls’ Survival Camp:

We took this year's Girls' Survival Camp to a new level. It was an excellent camp, and everyone learned not just about survival and medical skills but also how to persevere when things get tough and to have a good attitude regardless of how you feel. We also learned that our identity is in Christ only, and what people think of us does not define who we are! The objective of the survival camp was for young ladies to learn essential survival skills for the mission field and to be prepared for any event that life could bring their way. Through each activity, they gained confidence and a deeper understanding of who God is to them and in them! They gained mental toughness as we threw various unexpected challenges at them. Through each exercise, they learned how to work as a team and that they are better together than alone. They walked away rooted deeper in their faith and stronger in their identity. Next year we will have an outdoor family camp instead!

Memorial Day Weekend Retreat: 

We had a fantastic camp learning about our duty as Christians! We played dodgeball, nine-square, capture the flag, and enjoyed many other activities. Another project we did was filming a new promo video (linked below). We took many of the shots during this camp! Peniel Ranch Promo Video 2022

Geology Family Camp: 

Once again, Patrick Nurre was the speaker to over 100 people and did an excellent job communicating how God created everything. Patrick organized activities foreach of the kids to participate in fun. Guests enjoyed the amenities and the river even though it was freezing!

Labor Day Weekend Retreat:

We had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend Retreat! It was good to hang out, catch up with friends, and meet new ones too! Everyone did at least part of the Triathlon races, and all the teens rode down Mount Whitmore on bikes and cliff jumped. It was a very active camp, with a lot of singing and discussion time.


Apologetics Family Camp: 

This past year we had another Apologetics Family Camp. There were many families from different areas that came. It was great to see the friendships that formed over the weekend. Everyone had the chance to learn about the Bible, the Gospel, and our Savior, Jesus Christ. They also learned how to navigate interactions and conversations with those who believe differently than they. Dan Kreft, the Seven-Foot-Apologist, did a fantastic job presenting.

Check out our 2023 camps here!


"I have seen God face to face."
Genesis 32:30
experience peniel